Am 29.05.17 um 15:28 schrieb Carl Sorensen:
I had not heard of quartic chords before reading this email (as I've
mentioned before, I'm a music novice).  It was very interesting for me to
study quartic chords.

But in my web search and following links, I never found anything that
approached a notation for quartic chords.  Their existence was discussed,
but I found no quartic-based notation; it was all just the notes.  Do you
have any source information that we could use to better understand quartic
chord notation?

Hi Carl,

I have seen an arrangement of a 1953 Miles Davis recording called "Enigma" (written by JJ Johnson) which contains such chords. I guess there is no established symbol for these chords, but in that arrangement they were denoted "p4" as in Ab(p4). The p4 stands for - in my assumption - "perfect 4ths".


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