Gianmaria Lari <> writes:

> Trevor wrote:
>> I'll definitely turn on my financial contribution again.
> what's the better way to give a financial contribution?

In Europe's EURO zone (guessing from your name, that would likely be the
case) SEPA transfers are usually easiest (account number on request) as
the fees must not exceed in-country EUR transfers.  U.S. and U.K. and a
number of other countries get fewer fees via Paypal (this mail address
works fine).  However, I have to warn that I expect not to do a whole
lot for LilyPond in the next month or so.  I should have started
physical therapy this week but the respective clinic is booked out and I
enquired elsewhere.

The social worker dealing with my case is apparently spreading herself a
bit thin, so I need to improve my tactics.

In other news, I am currently doing my shopping/transportation basically
by foot which is taking its time but is safest for me and other traffic

And I'm having semi-permanent neck/head ache making focusing harder.
Control over my larynx is not exactly good: swallowing still
occasionally goes bad.  The right vocal fold is mostly paralyzed in
closed position yet and if it doesn't become accessible in a reasonable
amount of time, I'll probably eventually no longer be able to sing alto.
That's currently troubling me more than not being able to tell
heat/cold/pain on my left body side.

But even with some distractions being off-limits now, at the rate I am
being able to focus on complex tasks, I expect to be able to only
contribute lightly to LilyPond's progress in the next month or so.  Not
a whole lot of bang for the buck I am afraid.

At least apart from the head/neck ache and from the necessity for
physical exercise and keeping my blood pressure at tiresome levels, my
intelligence has not taken a hit: it's really mostly damaged wiring to
various body parts that I have to work with here.  But of course I need
to get the body back into a shape where I get along with moderate effort
in order not to take further hits to my bodily health.

In a nutshell: I'd appreciate support but it will be a bit of time
before I deliver good value for it again.

All the best


David Kastrup

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