Hi Pierre-Luc,

>> On a related note: Do you use Frescobaldi?
> Mainly yes.
> Although I am using emacs more and more on a daily basis and I expect
> to migrate my LilyPond workflow into it the following years.


>> I imagine the implementation of a really good solution to this problem would 
>> be easier there than "in the wild"…
> I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

Well, an IDE would be able to do more with the information provided by a PDF 
link than a simple text editor.

>> Maybe something like: right-click on a grob to get a list of possible 
>> targets in the code (e.g., "Staff, Voice, quoted source, Lilypond definition 
>> of 'acciaccatura'"), select item and be taken to that 'level'.
> IFAIK, no such information are contained in the PDF itself which would
> mean Frescobaldi (or any other editor) would have to infer it from the
> code (quite the impossible), is that what you mean?

Yes. Why is that impossible? If the link is attached to (e.g.) a NoteHead grob 
which is inside a quote defined in VariableA but incorporated into VoiceB and 
displayed in StaffC, why couldn't the editor work out a target list like:

   StaffC > VoiceB
   StaffC > VoiceB > VariableA


Right now, Frescobaldi knows how to "Jump to definition" from some bits of code 
to others… In fact, given

   \new Staff << \globalStuff \noteStuff >>

one can already [in Frescobaldi] click on either \globalStuff or \noteStuff and 
be taken to that part of the code. I don't immediately see why what I've 
outlined above isn't just a fancy version of this existing feature.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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