Rafael González <rafaelgonzale...@gmail.com> writes:

> I am using \version "2.19.55"
> the following line, bar
>   e,8 <<  b'' e >> <<  d a >> 16  b 8. g,16 a b d d b e' e       |
> the attachment shows that, after compilation, I get an extra a16 after the
> second double stop, why?

Because you write an extra 16 .  It looks like you are confusing << >>
(simultaneous music) and < > (chords) for input here.  << >> enclose
complete notes including duration while < > enclose only pitches, with
the duration following afterwards.

When 2.19 sees a duration it cannot otherwise assign meaning to, it
reuses the previous chord or pitch entry and iterates the note.

This is what allows writing

\drums { tambourine 4 8. 16 4 4 }

and similar.

David Kastrup

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