On 09.07.2017 21:21, Wols Lists wrote:
On 09/07/17 20:06, Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote:
     > How can I move the texts to be next to the rehearsal mark (without
     manual adjustments)?

Well, you are asking for a manual change (due to a non-standard
placement of tempo), so please expect all solutions will necessarily be

Since you want the tempo to appear over beat 2, you could try placing
the tempo there, rather than at the downbeat.

Your desired solution is non-semantic, so it's coding will reflect that.

Maybe, but placing all related marks one after the other is just as
semantically correct as placing them one on top of the other ...

That’s nonsense, and it is for the same reason that it’s not a trivial decision to loosen horizontal alignment in general. If you shift a tempo indication a tiny bit to the side, it makes no difference. But if it’s a slightly larger bit, such as the width of a quarter note, then the tempo change applies to a different moment. And preservation of semantic information (almost) always has to take precedence over elegant layout.

Finally, these two statements are contradictory:

     A real engraver who wanted to stick to those conventions would
     presumably shift the note to the right

     wasted white space is high on my list of priorities

How come? Shifting the notes to the right wastes maybe one note-width of
one stave. Stacking marks on top of each other wastes an entire line of
text - bad enough in portrait music but appalling in landscape (where
saving space tends to be extremely important - the music is only A5 to
start with!)

It’s obvious that your use case is special in its extremely tight restrictions on paper size and page turns. So I’m afraid you have to lower your expectations as to how well Lily will cope with that special situation in difficult circumstances. I assume you’re aware of possibilities like

\paper {
  page-count = 2
  system-count = 10
  systems-per-page = 5

– your use case might take benefit from specifying _all three_ of these.

Best, Simon

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