

Try removing the \bar "".

Also the bar checks are in the wrong place.




From: lilypond-user [] 
On Behalf Of Richard Chonak
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 4:50 PM
Subject: Repeat starting in partial measure


Dear fellow users,

Can someone advise me on how a repeat-sign behaves in the middle of a measure?

Reducing my score to a small example, here are two lines: 

     cis8\mark | cis'4 b8 a4 b8 | gis4 e8 fis4 \bar "" \break         
     \repeat volta 2 { gis8 | cis4. fis,4. | fis8 e b cis4 }  \break    

I'd like the first system to break within a measure, and end with no barline. 

The volta in the second system starts with a partial measure, and of course I'd 
like a repeat-sign there, but it's not appearing.

(I'll try to insert an image here to illustrate the output: hope it comes 

If I add the repeat sign expressly, it does appear in the output:

     cis8\mark | cis'4 b8 a4 b8 | gis4 e8 fis4 \bar "" \break
     \bar ".|:"
     \repeat volta 2 { gis8 | cis4. fis,4. | fis8 e b cis4 } 

but an unwanted barline is added to the end of line 1.

Do I need to add some Scheme code to modify the behavior of the repeat-sign? 

Thanks for any advice you can offer!




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