Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know that I will substantially reduce my
LilyPond-related activities for some time, I expect between a few months
and half a year. This basically means I will not monitor the LilyPond
lists and will not engage in any ambitious projects like the
long-desired (at least for me) openLilyLib documentation generation.
This is not an immediate decision (i.e. starting with hitting the "Send"
button of this message) but pretty much so. I have already resubscribed
to the lists with another address so list posts will go to another
mailbox where the bold numbers of unread messages won't distract me.
There will be some overlap for a few days, so if there's anything with
regard to my recent openLilyLib changes you'd like to draw my attention
to now would be the opportunity.

In general if anyone wants me to see something they should get in touch
with me personally (or forward things I should maybe know). I will
receive notifications from Github, though, so posting anything on the
openLilyLib issue trackers will probably reach me as well.

However, I will still use LilyPond, so I'll most probably pop up
occasionally with questions.



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