Thomas Morley <> writes:

> Hi all,
> consider the following code, setting a header to a bookpart:
> bkI = \bookpart { { r1 } }
> #(ly:book-set-header! bkI #{ \header { title = "TITLE" } #})
> #(collect-bookpart-for-book bkI)
> All fine, but how to do with a bookpart-paper?
> If I'm not mstaken we don't have something like ly:book-set-paper!
> Currently I use sort of a workaround:
> pap = \paper { }
> #(ly:output-def-set-variable! pap 'ragged-right #f)
> bkII = \bookpart { $pap { r1 } }

bkII =
\bookpart {
  \paper { ragged-right = ##f }

Or just:

#(ly:output-def-set-variable! (ly:book-paper bkII) 'ragged-right #f)

> #(ly:book-set-header! bkII #{ \header { title = "SECOND-TITLE" } #})
> #(collect-bookpart-for-book bkII)
> Any better way?
> Thanks,
>   Harm

David Kastrup

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