On Thu, 2017-08-10 at 18:40 +0000, Vlad Kudelin wrote:
> Hello dear Lilypond community! 
> I am a new user, and a pretty happy one! Just found out about THIS a
> week ago, and God! I am so grateful to the creators!!! 
> I am a guy who knows music and computers, but... hates mouse. In fact
> I've got Carpal using mouse to enter 100s of notes in some s/w.... But
> now I am free! can use emacs or whatever! – un–be–live-able!!!
> And also (perfectionists will understand the torture I've been
> through) : Lilypond just makes it natural to put everything under
> version control! 
> un–be–f- live-able!!! 

Welcome to the list.  Yes, it's a wonderful piece of software :)

> That said, I hope it's all right to ask questions here, even if one is
> a total newbee.........
> Here it is: 
> I need to accomplish a trivial (I think) task: a book with a bunch of
> scores, in the form 
> Title, Composer... 
>  Score 
> Title, Composer... 
>  Score 
> ...
> However it doesn't look like it's easy.
> I've spent two days reading the manual and the tutorial and
> googling.... here is what I've found relevant:
> 1) \bookpart : this does work, except for a page break that it creates
> after each score... 
> It doesn't work for me (my "book" is a bunch of tiny 1-2 line little
> songs for kids just starting to study piano);
> 2) The Help page at LilyPond Notation Reference: 3.2.1 Creating titles
> headers and footers 
> LilyPond Notation Reference: 3.2.1
> Creating titles headers and footers
> LilyPond Notation Reference: 3.2.1
> Creating titles headers and footers
> suggests using \header within \score; 
>       * After the music expression in a \score block.
> However this either takes the *last* header and makes it global
> (ex1), 
> or doesn't create headers at all (ex2). 
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

How about:

        \version "2.19.40"
        \paper {
          #(set-paper-size "a4")
          print-all-headers = ##t
        \score {
          \header {
            title = "A score of A's"
            composer = "Albinoni"
          { \repeat unfold 24 a'1 \bar "|." }
        \markup \vspace #10
        \score {
          \header {
            title = "Better with B's"
            composer = "P.D.Q.Bach"
          { \repeat unfold 24 b'1 \bar "|." }
        \markup \vspace #10
        \score {
          \header {
            title = "All at C"
            composer = "Chopin"
          { \repeat unfold 24 c''1 \bar "|." }
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