The appended extract raises the following warnings : > Processing `F:/Meine > Noten/EigeneNoten/UneParVoix/' > > Parsing... > > Interpreting music...[8][16] > > F:/Meine > Noten/EigeneNoten/UneParVoix/ > warning: Ignoring grob for slur: AccidentalSuggestion. avoid-slur not set? > > h2 a d c4 ( h8 a h4) a2 gis4 a2 r4 a4 g2 g4- (a8 h [c]) d2 c4 h g2 ( > > fis4) > > > F:/Meine > Noten/EigeneNoten/UneParVoix/ > warning: Ignoring grob for slur: AccidentalSuggestion. avoid-slur not set? > > h4 \breathe g a g2 ( > > fis4) g2 ( c4. d8 ) e4- ( d8) h4 (c a2 c1 ) h1 > How to get rid of them?
Bernhard -- spitzhalde9 D-79853 lenzkirch, - thunderbird mit enigmail GPG schlüssel: D5257409 fingerprint: 08 B7 F8 70 22 7A FC C1 15 49 CA A6 C7 6F A0 2E D5 25 74 09
\version "2.19.49" \language "deutsch" \header { title = "Aus tiefer Not" subtitle = "Psalm 130" composer = "Martin Luther 1524" arranger = "Johann Walter, 1490-1570" % aus Wittenbergisch... Gesangbüchlein, 1551" } \layout { \context { \Voice \consists "Melody_engraver" \override Stem #'neutral-direction = #'() } } global = { \hide Staff.BarLine \key a \minor \time 2/2 \set suggestAccidentals = ##t } soprano = \relative c'' { \global % Die Noten folgen hier. s2 r4 c4 h2 a d c4 ( h8 a h4) a2 gis4 a2 r4 a4 g2 g4.- (a8 h [c]) d2 c4 h g2 (fis4) g2 r4 g4 a2 h4 d c2. ( h8 [a] g4 ) e2 (d4) e\breve \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." } alto = \relative c' { \global % Die Noten folgen hier. r4 a4 e'4. (f8 g4) g f2 d2 r4 g2 (f4) e2 c r4 e4 e2 e d4 h2 e4( d e) d4. (c8) h4 \breathe g a g2 (fis4) g2 ( c4. d8 ) e4.- ( d8) h4 (c a2 c1 ) h1 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." } verse = \lyricmode { % Liedtext folgt hier. Denn so du willst das se -- hen an, was Sünd und Un -- recht ist ge -- tan, wer kann, Herr, vor dir blei -- ben? } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { \soprano } \addlyrics { \verse } \new Staff { \alto } \addlyrics { \verse } >> \layout { } }
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