> ...
> << \context Voice = melody {\voiceOne f g} \\ { \voiceTwo d e } >> 
> \oneVoice r4 ...}
> or
> \context Voice = melody {
> ...
> << {\voiceOne f g} \new Voice {\voiceTwo d e } >> \oneVoice r4 ...}
> or to exploit that the Voice contexts created by <<{...} \\ {...}>>
> are called "1" and "2", respectively:
> \context Voice = "1" {
> ...
> << {f g} \\ { d e } >> \oneVoice r4 ...}
> \lyricsto "1" ...
> However, in version 2.4, the intention is that you should be able to
> use \partcombine to solve this problem, see the mailing list archives
> of lilypond-user and/or lilypond-devel to find out what was recently
> discussed on using \partcombine for choir music.

I'm not sure where this impression was coming from. \partcombine
switches between three Voice contexts all the, which makes it hard to
use with \lyricsto, since \lyricsto follows a single voice context.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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