(see page 2,
bars 33-34)

I have a dream, that one day Lilypond will make codas first class
citizens instead of having to exist as a series of ugly hacks. In that
day, I could simply write \coda (with maybe some options) and Lilypond
would automagically do the right thing. Alas, that day is not today. :-(

In trying to make nice charts with Lilypond, I keep running into this
issue. It works fine for the most part, though it's still an ugly hack
that I have to put in multiple places for my charts to look right; but
when it fails it's frustrating beyond belief (for me, and, I suspect,

I can hear the replies already: 'why don't you just put a \break in
there, why don't you just do x, y, and z to work around it?' But this is
the problem: the hacks are inconsistent, and while they might work in
some places they don't in others (like you see on page two, where the
4/4 time signature should be on bar 34 but instead is floating out in
space, and spurious bars are floating on the edge of the page). If you
somehow manage to make a change where the coda falls in the middle of
page, another change will push it to the side and screw things up.

So this my my call for an official path within the internals of Lilypond
to support codas for real without having to resort to ugly hacks that
work only some of the time (depending on where in the line they fall). I
am willing to undertake the coding of this feature, if someone can point
me in the right direction. But this needs to change. I am very
surprised, really, that such a common musical construct has no official
support in Lilypond.

\version "2.19.0"
\include ""
\include ""

% Good sizes are 16, 18, & 20 (11, 13, 14, 23, 26)
staffSize = #20
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
#(set-global-staff-size staffSize)
#(ly:set-option (quote no-point-and-click))

	title    = \markup { \override #'(font-family . sans) \fontsize #3.5 "One Small Child" }
	composer = \markup { \override #'(font-family . sans) \fontsize #1.3 "D. Meece" }
	arranger = \markup { \override #'(font-family . sans) \fontsize #1.3 "arr. Ed Smart" }
	tagline  = $(string-append "Engraved by JLH and Lilypond " (lilypond-version))

% Song's structure
Global =
	\key d \minor
	\time 4/4

	% Intro

	s1*4 \bar "||"   % 1-4

	% Verse

	\mark \markup { \override #'(font-family . sans) { \box { A } } }

	s1*9 |   % 5-13

	\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
	\mark \markup { { To Coda } \hspace #0.5 \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" }

	s1 \bar ".|:-||"   % 14

	\repeat volta 2
		% Verse

		\mark \markup { \override #'(font-family . sans) { \box { B } } }

		s1*10 \bar "||"   % 15-24

		% Bridge

		\mark \markup { \override #'(font-family . sans) { \box { C } } }

		s1*7 |   % 25-31
			\time 6/4 s1. |   % 32
			\time 6/4 s1. \bar "||"   % 33

	\time 4/4
	\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
	\mark \markup { \hspace #0.0 \raise #1.0 \italic { D.C. al Coda } }

	% Coda

	% blank measure between last measure and coda
%	\stopStaff s1 \bar "" \startStaff   % That removed the spurious floating bar line from line break
	\stopStaff s1 \startStaff
%	\break % Meh
	\set Score.currentBarNumber = #34

	\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left
	\mark \markup { { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" } "Coda" }

	s1*5 \bar "|."   % 34-38

% Lead vocal
LeadVox = \relative c'
	% Intro

	s1*4 |    % 1-4

	% Verse

	d4 a' g f8 e |    % 5
	d4 e8 f e ( d ) c4 |    % 6
	d4 a' c c8 c |    % 7
	b8 a g4 a2 |    % 8
	d,4 a' g f8 e |    % 9
	d4 e8 f e ( d ) c4 |    % 10
	d4 a' g f8 e |    % 11
	d1 |    % 12
	d4 a' g f8 e |    % 13
	d2. r4 |    % 14

	% Verse

	d4 a' g f8 e |    % 15
	d4 e8 ( f ) e ( d ) c4 |    % 16
	d4 a' c c8 c |    % 17
	b8 a g4 a2 |    % 18
	d,4 a' g f8 e |    % 19
	d4 e8 f e d c4 |    % 20
	d4 a' g f8 e |    % 21
	d4 ( a' g ) f8 ( e |    % 22
	d4 a' g f8 e |    % 23
	d1 ) |    % 24

	% Bridge

	a'4 a g a8 bf |    % 25
	a4 bf8 a g4 c, |    % 26
	a'4 a g c |    % 27
	f,8 ( e ) d4 c2 |    % 28
	a'4 a g c |    % 29
	a4 bf8 a g4 c, |    % 30
	a'4 a g c |    % 31

	f,8 ( e ) d4 c1 |    % 32

	f8 ( e ) d4 c1 |    % 33

	% Coda

	s1   % For blank measure

	d1 |    % 34
	d4 a' g-\fermata f8 c' |   % 35
	d1 |   % 36
	s1*2 |    % 37-38

LeadVoxText = \lyricmode
	One small child in a land of a thou -- _ sand,
	One small dream of a sav -- ior to -- night.
	One small hand reach -- ing out to the star -- _ light,
	One small ci -- ty of life.
	One small ci -- ty of life.

	One king bring -- ing his gold and _ ri -- _ ches,
	One king rul -- ing an ar -- my of might,
	One king kneel -- ing with in -- cense and can -- dle -- light,
	One King bring -- ing us life. __ _ _
	Oh, __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

	See him ly -- ing a cra -- dle be -- neath him,
	See him smil -- ing in _ the stall.
	See his moth -- er prais -- ing his fa -- ther,
	See his ti -- ny eye -- _ lids fall.

	_ _ _ _
	One small sav -- ior of life.

LeadVoxTextB = \lyricmode
	One small child in a land of a thou -- _ sand,
	One small dream in a peo -- ple of might,
	One small hand reach -- ing out to the star -- _ light,
	One small sav -- ior of life.
	One small sav -- ior of _

	One small light from the flame of a can -- _ dle,
	One small light from a ci -- ty of might,
	One small light from the stars in the end -- less night,
	One small light from his face. __ _ _
	Oh, __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

	See the shep -- herds _ kneel -- ing be -- fore him,
	See the kings on bend -- _ ed knee,
	See the moth -- er prais -- ing his fa -- ther,
	See the bless -- ed _ _ _ _ in -- _ fant sleep.

Riffs = \relative c'''
	% Intro

	<< { \tiny a2 g } \\ { \tiny r8 a, d f c4 g } >> |   % 1
	<< { f'2 e } \\ { a,4 d8 a bf4 g } >> |   % 2
	<< { d'4 e8 f e4 ~ e16 d cs8 } \\ { f,2 g } >> |   % 3
	<< { <a d>1 } \\ { g2 f  } >> |   % 4

	s1*27 |   % 5-31
	s1.*2 |   % 32-33
	s1*3 |   % 34-35 (+ blank Coda measure)

	<< { \tiny a'2 g } \\ { \tiny r8 a, d f c4 g } >> |   % 36
	<< { f'2 e } \\ { a,4 d8 a bf4 g } >> |   % 37
	<fs a d>1-\fermata |   % 38

% Chord names
Chords = \chordmode
	% Intro

	d2:m c/e |    % 1
	d2:m/f g:m6 |    % 2
	d2:m/a a:7 |    % 3
	d2:sus4 d:m |    % 4

	% Verse

	d2:m c |    % 5
	d2:m a:m7 |    % 6
	d2:m f |    % 7
	g2 a4:sus4 a |    % 8
	d2:m a:m |    % 9
	bf2:maj7 a:m7 |    % 10
	g2:m7 a:m7 |    % 11
	d2:m c |    % 12
	bf2:maj7 c |    % 13
	d2:sus4 d:m |    % 14

	% Verse

	d2:m c |    % 15
	bf2:maj7 a:m7 |    % 16
	d2:m f |    % 17
	g2 a4:sus4 a |    % 18
	d2:m a:m7 |    % 19
	bf2:maj7 a:m7 |    % 20
	g2:m7 a:m7 |    % 21
	d2:m7 c |    % 22
	bf2:maj7 c |    % 23
	d1:m |    % 24

	% Bridge

	f2 g:m/f |    % 25
	f2 g:m/f |    % 26
	f2 c/e |    % 27
	d4:m7 g:7 c2:sus2 |    % 28
	f2 g:m/f |    % 29
	f2 g:m/f |    % 30
	f2 c/e |    % 31

	d4:m7 g:7 c1:sus2 |    % 32

	d4:m7 g:7 c1:sus2 |    % 33

	% Coda

	s1   % For blank measure

	bf2:maj7 a:m7 |    % 34
	g2:m7 c |    % 35
	d2:m c/e |    % 36
	d2:m/f g:m6 |    % 37
	d1 |    % 38

% Chord rhythms
Rhythm = \relative c
	\override NoteHead #'style = #'slash

	% Intro

	c2 c |    % 1
	c2 c |    % 2
	c2 c |    % 3
	c4 c c2 |    % 4

	% Verse

	c4 c c c |    % 5
	c4 c c c |    % 6
	c4 c c c |    % 7
	c4 c c c |    % 8
	c4 c c c |    % 9
	c4 c c c |    % 10
	c4 c c c |    % 11
	c4 c c c |    % 12
	c4 c c c |    % 13
	c4 c c2 |    % 14

	% Verse

	c4 c c c |    % 15
	c4 c c c |    % 16
	c4 c c c |    % 17
	c4 c c c |    % 18
	c4 c c c |    % 19
	c4 c c c |    % 20
	c4 c c c |    % 21
	c4 c c c |    % 22
	c4 c c c |    % 23
	c4 c c c |    % 24

	% Bridge

	c4 c c c |    % 25
	c4 c c c |    % 26
	c4 c c c |    % 27
	c4 c c c |    % 28
	c4 c c c |    % 29
	c4 c c c |    % 30
	c4 c c c |    % 31

	c4 c c2 ~ c2 |    % 32

	c4 c c2 ~ c2 |    % 33

	% Coda

\stopStaff s1 \startStaff   % For blank measure

	c4 c c c |    % 34
	c4 c c2-\fermata |    % 35
	c2 c |    % 36
	c2 c |    % 37
	c1-\fermata |    % 38

Dynamics =
%	s1*4 |   % 1-4
%	s4_\markup { \italic { 1st X: Melody, 2nd X+: Solos } } s2. |   % 5
%	s1*38 |   % 1-38
%	s4_\markup { \bold \italic { Double Chorus 2nd X } } s2. |   % 39
%	s1*7 |   % 40-46
%	s4_\markup { \bold { Tutti } } s2. |   % 47

		\Global		% The "roadmap" that everything else depends on
		\set Score.skipBars = ##t
		\set Score.melismaBusyProperties = #'()

		\context Staff
			\new Voice = "lead" \LeadVox
			\new Voice \Riffs
			\new Lyrics \lyricsto "lead" \LeadVoxText
			\new Lyrics \lyricsto "lead" \LeadVoxTextB

		\new ChoirStaff
			\new ChordNames \Chords
%Capo 4 edition
%			\new ChordNames \transpose b g \Chords
			\new RhythmicStaff << \Rhythm \Dynamics >>

	#(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree
		"Times New Roman"
		"Luxi Mono"
		(/ staffSize 20)))

% Spread staves vertically across last page (default: t)
	ragged-last-bottom = ##f
% Don't spread staves vertically across the page (default: f)
%	ragged-bottom = ##t
% Allow partial line for last stave (default: f)
	ragged-last = ##t

% To find out what's eating the space at the top...
%	annotate-spacing = ##t

% Pop chords as used in English/American popular music
% by James L. Hammons

% Written against \version "2.16.0"

% Was \raise #1.0 for both
chordFlat = \markup { \hspace #0.2 \tiny \raise #0.8 \flat }
chordSharp = \markup { \hspace #0.1 \teeny \raise #0.8 \sharp }

popChordsMusic =
	% Triads

	<c g>-\markup { "5" }
	<c d g>-\markup { "2" }
%	<c d g>-\markup { "sus2" }
	<c f g>-\markup { "sus" }
%	<c f g>-\markup { "sus4" }
%	<c ees ges>-\markup { \small \raise #1.0 "o" }
	<c ees ges>-\markup { \raise #0.8 "o" }
%	<c ees ges>-\markup { "dim" }
%	<c e gis>-\markup { "aug" }									% or +

	% Sixths

	<c e g a>-\markup { "6" }
	<c ees g a>-\markup { "m6" }

	% Sevenths (including altered)

	<c e g bes>-\markup { "7" }
	<c ees g bes>-\markup { "m7" }
	<c e g b>-\markup { "maj7" }
	<c f g bes>-\markup { "7sus4" }
	<c d g bes>-\markup { "7sus2" }
	<c e ges bes>-\markup { "7" \chordFlat "5" }
	<c e gis bes>-\markup { "7" \chordSharp "5" }
%	<c e gis bes>-\markup { "aug7" }							% or +7
	<c ees g b>-\markup { "m(maj7)" }
%	<c ees ges beses>-\markup { \small \raise #1.0 { "o" } "7" }
	<c ees ges beses>-\markup { \raise #0.8 { "o" } "7" }
%	<c ees ges beses>-\markup { "dim7" }
%	<c ees ges bes>-\markup { \small \raise #1.0 { $(ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x00f8) } "7" }
%	<c ees ges bes>-\markup { \raise #0.8 { $(ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x00f8) } "7" }
	<c ees ges bes>-\markup { "m7" \chordFlat "5" }
	<c e ges b>-\markup { "maj7" \chordFlat "5" }
	<c e gis b>-\markup { "maj7" \chordSharp "5" }

	% Ninths (including altered--incomplete)

	<c e g bes d'>-\markup { "9" }
	<c ees g bes d'>-\markup { "m9" }
	<c e g b d'>-\markup { "maj9" }
	<c e g d'>-\markup { "add9" }
	<c e g a d'>-\markup { "6/9" }
	<c ees g a d'>-\markup { "m6/9" }
	<c ees g b d'>-\markup { "m(maj9)" }
	<c e g bes des'>-\markup { "7" \chordFlat "9" }
	<c e g bes dis'>-\markup { "7" \chordSharp "9" }
%dim7add9, dim7b9, dim7#9, 9#5, 9b5, maj9#5, maj9b5, 9sus4, 9sus2
	<c e gis bes dis'>-\markup { "+7" \chordSharp "9" }

	% Elevenths (incomplete)

	<c e g bes d' f'>-\markup { "11" }
	<c ees g bes d' f'>-\markup { "m11" }
	<c e g b d' f'>-\markup { "maj11" }
	<c e g f'>-\markup { "add11" }
	<c ees g f'>-\markup { "m add11" }
	<c ees g bes f'>-\markup { "m7add11" }

	% Thirteenths (incomplete)

	<c e g bes d' a'>-\markup { "13" }
	<c ees g bes d' a'>-\markup { "m13" }
	<c e g b d' a'>-\markup { "maj13" }
	<c e g a'>-\markup { "add13" }
	<c ees g a'>-\markup { "m add13" }
	<c e g bes des' a'>-\markup { "13" \chordFlat "9" }

	% Misc add chords

	<c e g bes des' aes'>-\markup { "7" \chordFlat "9" \chordFlat "13" }
	<c e gis bes des'>-\markup { "7" \chordSharp "5" \chordFlat "9" }
	<c e g b d' fis'>-\markup { "maj9" \chordSharp "11" }
	<c e g bes d' fis'>-\markup { "9" \chordSharp "11" }
%	<c e g bes d' a'>-\markup { "9/13" }

% Add to existing exceptions
popChordsAdd = #(append
	 (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions popChordsMusic #t)

% Bah, can't we set this globally? YES! See below...
% \set chordNameExceptions = #popChords

% Bah, this doesn't work either...
% #(set chordNameExceptions popChords)

% Let's try fixing the accidentals with some Scheme...

#(define (chord-name->pop-markup pitch lowercase?)

  (let* ((alt (ly:pitch-alteration pitch)))

      (make-simple-markup (vector-ref #("C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "A" "B") (ly:pitch-notename pitch)))

      ;; If it's natural, do nothing

      (if (= alt 0)

        (make-line-markup (list empty-markup))

        (if (= alt FLAT)

          ;; Otherwise, handle adding the flat symbol

              (make-hspace-markup 0.3) ;; WAS: 0.4
              (make-tiny-markup (make-raise-markup 1.0
                (make-musicglyph-markup "accidentals.flat")))

          ;; or handle adding the sharp symbol

              (make-hspace-markup 0.1) ;; WAS: 0.2
              (make-teeny-markup (make-raise-markup 1.0
                (make-musicglyph-markup "")))





popChords =
  \set chordNameExceptions = #popChordsAdd
  \set chordRootNamer = #chord-name->pop-markup
  \override ChordName #'extra-spacing-width = #'(-1.25 . 1.25)

    chordNameExceptions = #popChordsAdd
    chordRootNamer = #chord-name->pop-markup
    \override ChordName #'extra-spacing-width = #'(-1.25 . 1.25)
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