On 9/28/2017 7:35 AM, Mario Moles wrote:

I would like, in small format, the title of the song on every page!


Wouldn't this work then, as expected? A rather straight-forward header / title setup...just set one up for the title of the piece, for example.


       Default layout of headers and footers

/Headers/ and /footers/ are lines of text appearing at the top and bottom of pages, separate from the main text of a book. They are controlled by the following |\paper| variables:

 * |oddHeaderMarkup|
 * |evenHeaderMarkup|
 * |oddFooterMarkup|
 * |evenFooterMarkup|

These markup variables can only access text fields from top-level |\header| blocks (which apply to all scores in the book) and are defined in ‘ly/titling-init.ly’. By default:

 * page numbers are automatically placed on the top far left (if even)
   or top far right (if odd), starting from the second page.
 * the |instrument| text field is placed in the center of every page,
   starting from the second page.
 * the |copyright| text is centered on the bottom of the first page.
 * the |tagline| is centered on the bottom of the last page, and below
   the |copyright| text if there is only a single page.

Il 28/09/2017 07:24, Jan-Peter Voigt ha scritto:
so, what are you looking for?
I use a markup for odd/evenFoorterMarkup that displays the current title. If there are other (non title) tocItems in between, it might be disturbed. But I only use that for collections of music so this is not the case in my use cases.



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