"Maxime's Music" <craig.dabelst...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Lilyponders,
> I'm trying to run lilypond from the terminal (Mac OS 10.13) but I must be
> doing something wrong.

So what are you doing, and what is the response?

> What do I need to type to get lilypond to engrave all files in a folder
> (wihout the point-and-click)?

What already works?  Engraving single files "without the
point-and-click"?  If so, how?  If not, what is the failure?

Look, this is as helpful as posting in a dog lovers' forum "my dog is
stuck in a Ford model #2396, I must be doing something wrong.  What do I
need to get it out?"

You are assuming that everybody knows what your problem is, you are
assuming everybody knows what you are doing, you are assuming everybody
is familiar with your setup.

If you want to tap the wisdom of the list, restricting those able to
help to people already intimately familiar with your car model and your
dog's anatomy is just not prudent.

MacOSX is a UNIX derivative, so it's likely that a lot of people at best
remotely familiar with it can provide useful help given at least some
scraps of information useful to more than just insiders.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

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