On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 9:05 AM, Kieren MacMillan <
kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

> I am [slowly, but surely] putting together a whitepaper/framework which
> focuses on the numerous (!) ways this can be accomplished in Lilypond. They
> each have advantages and disadvantages, and each has its limitations and/or
> frustrations — unfortunately, there is (to my mind) no single "silver
> bullet" best practice.
> Given my extremely busy commission workload, it's hard to estimate when
> I'll have the whitepaper/framework ready for public consumption, but I'll
> do my best to get it done ASAP. In the meantime, search for "divisi staves"
> and similar in the list archives, and you'll find a lot of threads which
> should point you in the right direction(s).

Thanks Kieren, I'll search for those.  I'd be interested to read (but can't
promise to understand!) your whitepaper as it progresses.

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