> From: Menu Jacques <imj-...@bluewin.ch>
> To: lilypond-user <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2017 11:37:01 +0200
> Subject: \chordmode problem?
> Hello folks,
> I get this score:
> from what seems to be the reasonable LP code below.
> What should one write to get:
> Thanks if you can help!
> JM

Just following up, since it seems no one gave you an explicit solution for
how to realize your intended chord name.

While "Cmaj7#11" is a totally reasonable way to name this chord, I'd
disagree that it is ideal to typeset it vertically aligned to baseline and
using all the same size characters, as you suggest.

Here is one way of doing it, which does attempt to customize the size and
position of the chord symbol elements.

\version "2.19.15"

myChordExceptions = {
    <c e g b fis'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \teeny "maj" } \raise #0.2
\normalsize "7" \raise #0.5 { \tiny "#11" } }
chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions
myChordExceptions #t) ignatzekExceptions)

myChordSequence = \chordmode {
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions

myMelody = \relative c' {
  b8 c e g fis2

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new ChordNames \myChordSequence
    \new Staff {

David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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