On 10/24/2017 3:31 PM, Garrett Fitzgerald wrote:
I'm sorry, but I'm having the darnedest time following the directions for how to install Lilypond-mode on Windows. I installed the latest release of GNU Emacs at c:\emacs and tried to follow the directions at http://www.geoffhorton.com/lilymacs.html. Either I'm looking at the wrong .emacs, or I have the files in the wrong directory, or I don't know what. Can someone give me pointers on this? Thanks.

Hi Garrett,

Although I haven't used Emacs with LilyPond for quite some time now, I still have it installed on my old Windows system. Hope this helps you. I can't promise it's 100% current or complete but it should get you started. :)  Going by my memory...

1) First I copied files from LilyPond to where Emacs can "see it".
(see attached)
2) Then, after opening Emacs for the first time on Windows, I believe it will create an INIT file / location (that's where you add the code from the lilymacs website
(see attached)

Does this get you going?
Are you seeing a *specific *error, if so, what is it?

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