I'm trying to figure out the correct way to have LilyPond, v2.19.53, generate the attached score, which is for an instrument and a singer, but the singer doesn't sing all the notes that the instrumentalist plays. Furthermore, the last thing before the singer tacet's is a melisma.

My first naive attempt was:

Music = \relative c'' { c4 d e f    c d e f    r d e f    c d e f }
Lyrics = \lyricmode { do re mi fa __ _ _ _ _
        \repeat unfold 3 { \skip 1 } sol la ti do }
\score {
    \new Staff \Music
        \addlyrics \Lyrics

But this generates an extension line that goes right through the rest and the next three notes. It almost seems that the \skip command has two conflicting duties: to indicate the extension of a melisma and to indicate that a note should be skipped lyrically.

My next naive attempt was, with the same score block as above:

Music = \relative c'' { c4 d e f    \melisma c d e f \melismaEnd
                        r d e f    c d e f }
Lyrics = \lyricmode { do re mi fa __
        \repeat unfold 3 { \skip 1 } sol la ti do }

but the output is the same, i.e., the extension line goes right through the rest and the remainder of the tacet measure.

My next naive attempt was to try to positively indicate where the melisma should end:

Music = \relative c'' { c4 d e f    c d e f    r d e f    c d e f }
Lyrics = \lyricmode { do re mi fa __ _ _ _ _  " "
                      \repeat unfold 2 { \skip 1 } sol la ti do }

But that didn't work either.

What did work was to change the single blank to two blanks:

Lyrics = \lyricmode { do re mi fa __ _ _ _ _  "  "
                      \repeat unfold 2 { \skip 1 } sol la ti do }

Can anyone tell me what the correct way is to terminate the melisma extension line before a tacet measure?

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