On 11/2/2017 12:01 PM, Reilly Farrell wrote:
Hi All,

I'm discovering the need to revise chord numbers when working with lead sheet templates in LilyPond.  For example, in the following blocks:

melody = \relative c' {
cis8 d e g a4-. g8-> b~-_ |

chordSymbols = \chords { \leadFormatting
a2:7 c2:13

...my intention is to have c2:13 show up as C13.  Instead, the output is C9 13, and I'm not sure how to take more explicit control and remove the 9.  Any suggestions are deeply appreciated.  Thank you!

Hi Reilly,

Could you supply us with some more info?
What version are you using, and also a minimal example that we can compile to see your output?

It would help us be able to help you :)

*melody = \relative c' {**
**cis8 d e g a4-. g8-> b~-_ |**
**chordSymbols = \chords { \leadFormatting**
**a2:7 c2:13 **

...does not compile because obviously we don't have enough to work with - yet.

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