A quick comment, not the answer to your question:

You have given the correct fingering for Bb for the F major scale but you
have called it b4 which would be a B natural quarter note.  In LilyPond,
unlike Finale, the key signature does not affect the note.  You must
say bes or its equivalent in whatever language file you include.
For example Bb would be "bf" if you include "english.ly'

Many of us have learned this hard way,

Hope that helps,


On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 05:50:01PM -0700, Greg wrote:
> I am new to Lilypond and am slowly trying to learn to use it. I have
> rediscovered learning the clarinet and my teacher has asked me to start with
> the G major and F major scales. I'm pretty much a novice with little
> knowledge (thus far) of the deeper aspects and subtleties of musical
> notation, but I'm working on it. I thought learning Lilypond would a) help
> me create whatever scales I need - initially with the fingerings, to set me
> on the right path and b) immerse me in the details, so I'd learn faster. I
> have managed to construct what I think is the F major scale (see below) but
> you'll also see that the clarinet fingerings are not showing up.  E is doing
> something but its diagram is different for a reason I don't understand and
> none of the other fingerings are showing on the vanilla clarinet key
> diagrams? Can anyone pont to what's going on, please?
> Many thanks
> Greg
> (Frescobaldi: 2.19.0
> Python: 3.4.6
> python-ly: 0.9.4
> Qt: 4.8.6
> PyQt: 4.11.4
> sip: 4.16.9
> poppler: 0.43.0
> python-poppler-qt: 0.24.0
> OS: Linux-4.4.92-18.36-default-x86_64-with-SuSE-42.2-x86_64)
> My .ly code follows:
> ----------------------------------------
> \language "english"
> #(print-keys-verbose 'clarinet (current-error-port)) 
>   \time 4/4
>   \relative f {
>   \key f \major
>   \textLengthOn
>     f4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'((cc . (one two three four five six))
q>            (lh . (thumb))
>            (rh . (four))
>       }
>     g4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'((cc . (one two three four five six))
>            (lh . (thumb)))
>       }
>     a4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'((cc . (one two three four five))
>            (lh . (thumb)))
>       }
>     b4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'((cc . (one two three four))
>            (lh . (thumb)))
>       }
>     c4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'((cc . (one two three))
>            (lh . (thumb)))
>       }
>     d^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet 
>         #'((cc . (one two))
>            (lh . (thumb)))
>       }
>     e4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'((cc . (one))
>            (lh . (thumb)))
>       }
>     f4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'((cc . (one)))
>       }
>     g4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>     a4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>     b4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>     c4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>     d4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>     e4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>     f4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>     g4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>     a4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>     b4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>     c4^\markup
>       \override #'(size . 0.5){
>       \woodwind-diagram
>         #'clarinet
>         #'()
>       }
>   }
> --
> Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html
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