This seems to work, thanks!

\version "2.19.80"
  \clef F
  \key bes \major
  \time 3/4
  \set tieWaitForNote=##t
  f,8_~[ c_~ g_~ bes_~ es'_~ g'^~]|
  \grace { \once \hideNotes <f, c g bes es' g'>8 } R2.|

On 11/21/17 14:54, David Kastrup wrote:
> Caagr98 <> writes:
>> Yeah, I realize I can change the length, but they still won't go under
>> each other. Lily instead places them sequentially, which just wastes a
>> lot of space without doing anything good.
>> If there is some way to make ties not require the connected note to be
>> directly after, I think it would be fairly easy to replicate this
>> using some invisible grace notes. Do you know if there is any such
> Look at the tieWaitForNote context property.  It would still be nice not
> to have to use (omitted) notes as anchor but something that has, say, a
> tie-ending interface.  Would likely be easier to get to position nicely.
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