On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 8:33 AM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Flaming Hakama by Elaine <ela...@flaminghakama.com> writes:
> > Here is an illustration of using tags for this purpose.
> >
> > Note that there are other approaches, even using tags.
> > This approach uses the \keepWithTag within each \score
> > to distinguish Part vs Score, PDF vs MIDI, the specific
> > instrument, and each segment the piece.
> Really, I'd use
> \tagGroup SegmentA,SegmentB,SegmentC
> \tagGroup PDF,MIDI
> \tagGroup Part,Score
> with this so that you don't have to list unrelated tags (like
> SegmentA,SegmentB,SegmentC) whenever you use \keepWithTag for one
> purpose.

Thanks for the help.  I have to admit, however, I totally don't understand
this application of \tagGroup.

Maybe \tagGroup has more useful use cases for \removeWithTag?

Using \keepWithTag already has the effect of excluding any tagged content
that isn't among the tags specified.

What is gained by specifying a group of tags to ignore, since they are
already being ignored?

In the example in the docs, using tagGroup produces the same result as not
using it:


\version "2.19.80"

music = \relative {
  \tag #'violinI { c''4^"violinI" c c c }
  \tag #'violinII { a2 a }
  \tag #'viola { e8 e e2. }
  \tag #'cello { d'2 d4 d }

\new Voice {
  \mark "No tagGroup"
  \keepWithTag #'violinI

\new Voice {
  \mark "With tagGroup"
  \tagGroup #'(violinI violinII viola cello)
  \keepWithTag #'violinI

So, what is \tagGroup really doing in this case?
If you explain it to me, I can try to come up with a better example for the


David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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