Hi lilyponders,
I try to produce file file that unfoldRepeats. The following code did not 
produce repeats volta. I need help.

\version "2.19.80"
\language "english"

\header {
  subtitle = "Joy to the World / Angels We Have Heard on High"

global = {
  \key d \major
  \time 2/4

eVar =
#(define-music-function (xx start stop) (list? index? index?)
   #{ #@(map (lambda (i) #{ $xx . #i #}) (iota (- stop start -1) start)) #})

\include "\articulate.ly"

sop.1  = { \key f\major \time 4/4 a'4 4 4 c'' |}  soj.1  = { d''4 cs''8. b'16 
sop.2  = { c''4. bf'8 a'2 |}                       soj.2  = { a'4. g'8 |}
sop.3  = { a'4 g' a' c''|}                         soj.3  = { fs'4 e'|} 
sop.4  = { a'4. g'8 f'2 |\break }                  soj.4  = { d'4. a'8 |}
sop.5  = { a'4 4 4 c'' |}                          soj.5  = { b'4. 8 |}
sop.6  = { c''4. bf'8 a'2 |}                       soj.6  = { cs''4. 8 |}
sop.7  = { a'4 g' a' c'' |}                        soj.7  = { d''4. 
\bar""\break 8 |}
sop.8  = { a'4. g'8 f'2 |\break }                  soj.8  = { d''8( cs'') b'8( 
a') |}
sop.9  = { c''2( d''8 c'' bf' a' |}                soj.9  = { a'8.( g'16 fs'8) 
sop.10  = { bf'2 c''8 bf' a' g' |}                 soj.10  = { d''8( cs''8) 
b'8( a') |} 
sop.11  = { a'2 bf'8 a' g' f') |}                  soj.11  = { a'8.( g'16 fs'8) 
\bar""\break fs'8|}
sop.12  = { g'4. c'8 2 |}                          soj.12  = { fs'8 8 8 16( g') 
sop.13  = { f'4 g' a' bf' |}                       soj.13  = { a'4. g'16( fs')|}
sop.14  = { a'2 g' |\break }                       soj.14  = { e'8 8 8 16( 
sop.15  = { c''2( d''8 c'' bf' a' |}               soj.15  = {  g'4. 
\bar""\break fs'16( e') |}
sop.16  = { bf'2 c''8 bf' a' g' |}                  soj.16  = { d'8( d''4) b'8 
sop.17  = { a'2 bf'8 a' g' f') |}                  soj.17  = { a'8.( g'16 fs'8) 
g'8 |} 
sop.18  = { g'4. c'8 2 |}                          soj.18  = { fs'4 e' |}
sop.19  = { f'4 g' a' bf' |}                       soj.19  = { d'2 |}
sop.20  = { a'2( g'2) |}                            soj.20  = { r4. r8 |}
sop.21  = { f'1 |  }                               soj.21  = { R4*2 |}
soprano =   {
  \repeat volta 1 { \eVar \soj 1 19 }

  \soj.20 \soj.21 \break
  \repeat volta 1 { \eVar \sop 1 21 }
  R1 R1 \break
  \eVar \soj 1 19 \bar"|."

verseOne = \lyricmode {  \set fontSize = #2.0 }

choirPart = \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff = "soprano" \soprano

\score {  
  \layout { }
  %midi {
  %  \tempo 4=100
\score { \unfoldRepeats
  %\layout { }
  \midi {
    \tempo 4=100

% Rehearsal MIDI files:
rehearsalMidi = #
 (parser location name midiInstrument lyrics) (string? string? ly:music?)
   \unfoldRepeats <<
     \new Staff = "soprano" \new Voice = "soprano" { \soprano }
     \context Staff = $name {
       \set Score.midiMinimumVolume = #0.5
       \set Score.midiMaximumVolume = #0.5
       \set Score.tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 100 4)
       \set Staff.midiMinimumVolume = #0.8
       \set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = #1.0
       \set Staff.midiInstrument = $midiInstrument
     \new Lyrics \with {
       alignBelowContext = $name
     } \lyricsto $name $lyrics
\book {
  \bookOutputSuffix "soprano"
  \score {
    \rehearsalMidi "soprano" "soprano sax" \verseOne
    \midi { }

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