On Fri 08 Dec 2017 at 14:09:31 (-0500), Chris Jones wrote:
> I would need some help removing the autmatically generated natural signs
> that I see in lilypond's output.
> I coded this:
> |   global = {
> |     \time 4/4
> |     \key g \major
> |     \tempo \markup { \concat {Mouv. \super t} de Marche}
> |   }
> |   
> |   #(set-global-staff-size 16.5)
> |   
> |   melody = \relative c {
> |     \global
> |       \partial 16 d'16                         \bar "||" 
> |       \set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
> |       \autoBeamOff
> |       \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
> |       g4.. g16 f8. g16 a8. g16                        |   % b01
> ... expecting to see output with no accidentals.
> Now what happens is that lilypond adds a natural sign in front of the
> "f8"... thus changing the implied F# (key is G major) to an F... (?)

There is no "implied" F#. The \key specifies the key signature
to be printed. It has no effect on the pitches of following notes.

> Obvious workaround is coding "fis8l." instead of "f8." to get rid of
> that extra natural sign:

If the music contains an F#, you have to write fis.

> |       g4.. g16 fis8. g16 a8. g16                      |   % b01
> ... and remember to do the same for every "F" in my .ly file.
> I have read the section entitled "Warning: key signatures and pitches"
> in the lilypond learning manual at least a dozen times and I still don't
> see why I would need to do that.

Well, you've found the correct section to read, but have
yet to understand its simplicity: for the musical pitch FOO,
write the note FOO into the LP file.


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