Neo Anderson <> writes:

> I'm new to Lilypond, coming over from a commercial program. 
> Please, bear with me as I'm still learning.
> The issue:
> I seem to get measures auto-transposed one by one.  I have one bar of
> music, then the second one gets transposed one octave higher, the next
> one even one octave higher, and so on.

If you don't know what \relative does, you should look it up or don't
use it.

> Without /relative command, the x5 chords get messed up.

I have no idea what you mean by that.

> I use variables but I get the same issue without them too.

But you might understand more easily what happens when replacing the
variable references with the contained code.

You probably want to define your variables using

myname = \absolute { ... }

so that they don't become part of a surrounding \relative phrase.

> Minimal example
>    *      
>      Shared with Dropbox      
> * 
> BTW, is it OK to link a minimal example or other LY files via Dropbox?

No.  We archive our mailing list discussions and such files will then
simply become inaccessible.  Dropbox may be appropriate for PDF files or
humongous problem sources which won't be really needed for understanding
the answers (if they are written well).

But minimal examples should be included in the mails to the list so that
they are around for people reading through the archives so that they can
follow the corresponding answers.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

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