I have a project in which I'm including a bunch of scores into a pdf document using lyluatex. In the final product, lyluatex handles figuring out what the appropriate line width is for the scores and passes that information to lilypond by adding a header to score before processing.

During the drafting stage, however, I compile the lilypond files directly in order to check my work. The problem I'm having is that the default paper size for lilypond is letter paper, while the final project is going to be something closer to half that. I'd like to more closely approximate the final product during this stage so that there are fewer surprises in the final in-document editing step when the final layout decisions are made. Is there a way to have a paper block which sets the indent and linewidth but only if they have not previously been set?
Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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