Hi Urs,

>>> Any ideas you can think of that don’t require C++ or Scheme?
> I assume this does *not* mean "gimme some Python"? :-/

Ha! Java, maybe (after some skill-dusting).

> Your question gave me some food for thought, and I came up with an idea that 
> might turn out to become a brilliant move on many levels

Glad I could help.  ;)

> On 
> https://github.com/wbsoft/frescobaldi/wiki/GSoC-Guidelines#user-content-community-mentors
>  I outlined a new inofficial GSoC role that I would like to install for this 
> year: Community Mentors.

Holy moly. That role should have just been called "Lily-Kierens".  =)

> I think you could be such a community mentor for a number of projects. Some 
> suggestions:
>       • reviving our old idea of a "stylesheets" openLilyLib package

Yes please! This year, I'm taking a sabbatical [from my ongoing composition 
career] expressly to get my old scores engraved and published. The first step 
is to get my current hodge-podge of stylesheet stuff into a house style. I 
would be happy to use my house style as our sandbox, ComMent (see what I did 
there?) accordingly/helpfully along the way, and then write up the 
documentation once we get the system "perfected".

> Maybe Abraham could be listed as a primary mentor here (I'd be available for 
> oll-specific issues)?

Dream Team™

>       • 
> https://github.com/wbsoft/frescobaldi/wiki/Google-Summer-of-Code#user-content-implement-a-system-to-handle-scores-system-by-system

Happy to ComMent that, too…

>       • 
> http://lilypond.org/website/google-summer-of-code.html#Fix-Beaming-Patterns_002fBeam-Subdivisions-and-Tuplets

Hmmm… Not as much.
*BUT* I do have some other GSoC ideas brewing — see separate response (coming 

> Think about it ...

Thunk. And I'm in.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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