Hi, I think I've discovered a bug that's rather hard to explain, but I'll try.

When I use two voices and am beaming over rests, the rests seem to be positioned based on the pitch of the second voice. I have attached a file of an extract from a piece of music where—in the third measure—there is an A-Sharp in the first voice and a G-Sharp in the second voice. The rests in this measure are positioned higher up than the rests before them, so the beam goes through them. Notice in the first two measures where the notes in the second voice are further apart and the rests are positioned correctly.

Sorry if I didn't explain this well.

\version "2.19.80"

\score {
    \new Staff = "pianoIRH" <<
      \new Voice = "mvmntIVoiceI" \relative c'' {
        \clef treble
        \key b \major
        \time 4/4
        \tempo 4 = 190
        \voiceOne ais8[ r r cis]~cis4 dis\staccato
        ais8[ r r cis]~cis4 dis\staccato
        ais8[ r r cis]~cis4 dis\staccato
      \new Voice = "mvmntIVoiceII" \relative c' {
        \voiceTwo ais4. cis8~cis4 dis
        e4. dis8~dis4 cis
        gis'4. e8~e4 dis

Attachment: Beam Bug.pdf
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