> On Jan 23, 2018, at 9:23 AM, JH Austin <jaustin...@nc.rr.com> wrote:
> I tried to modify the Lead Sheet example by using a variable:
> -----------
> \version "2.19.40"
> \music =   \relative c'' {
>    a4 e c8 e r4
>    b2 c4( d)
>  }
> \score {
> <<
>  \chords { c2 g:sus4 f e }
>  \music
>  \addlyrics { One day this shall be free __ }

I think there should be >> here to match the << under \score.  Instead your 
example has something else.  AFAIK every bracket, parenthesis, etc., in 
Lilypond has to be balanced:  { }  ( )  << >> etc.  Not having the needed one 
will result in the compilation failing in most if not all cases.

>       \layout { }
> }
> =========
> and I got the following errors:
> -----------
> Procesando «/Users/josephaustin/lilypond/scripts/TEST/leadSheet07.ly»
> Analizando...
> /Users/josephaustin/lilypond/scripts/TEST/leadSheet07.ly:3:1: error: cadena 
> de escape desconocida: `\music'
> \music =   \relative c'' {
> Interpretando la música...
> Preprocesando los objetos gráficos...
> Buscando el número de páginas ideal...
> Disponiendo la música en una página...
> Dibujando los sistemas...
> Salida de la página hacia 
> «/var/folders/8c/krjhl46n5fq3wxbl0nvlfy6m0000gn/T//lilypond-M7rF1a»...
> Convirtiendo en «leadSheet07.pdf»...
> Suprimiendo 
> «/var/folders/8c/krjhl46n5fq3wxbl0nvlfy6m0000gn/T//lilypond-M7rF1a»...
> error fatal: archivos que han fallado: 
> "/Users/josephaustin/lilypond/scripts/TEST/leadSheet07.ly"
> =====================
> My questions:
> 1. what did I do wrong?
> 2. Can I get the error messages in English?
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