Am 24.01.2018 um 07:28 schrieb Menu Jacques:
Hello folks,

P_POne_Staff_One_Voice_Two below contains rests which may seem to be make the score more difficult to read that spacers.

Apart for single voice staves where rests are necessary, is there a best-practise style for multivoice staves?

This depends on several things:

1. Are the rhythmical positions clear without rests? If not, use them.

2. Who will play or sing that?
• Two voices/instruments from one staff? ⇒ use rests.
• One instrument that usually plays only one note at a time but can do more (i. e. strings)? ⇒ only use polyphony and rests if it’s a real polyphony (f. e. a fugue) • One instrument that usually plays several notes at a time (i. e. plucked or keyboard instruments)? ⇒ Depends on whether you really want polyphony or chords.

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