You could try \single instead of \once, as in <a \single \omit Accidental cs,>.

On 01/31/18 21:27, Stefano Troncaro wrote:
> Hello again everyone!
> Suppose I have the following example:
> \version "2.19.80" \language "english" command = { %What should go here to 
> omit the sharp while keeping the natural? } \score { \new Staff { \new Voice 
> \relative c'' { \key b \minor \accidentalStyle modern \partial 4 <as c,> |
>       <b b,> \command <a cs,> <g d~> <fs d> 
>     } } }
> If for whatever reason I wanted to omit the sharp while keeping the natural 
> sign of the <a cs,>, obviously \once \omit Accidental won't work. I'm at a 
> loss as to how to tackle this problem, and looking through the documentation 
> hasn't helped.
> Does anyone have an idea?
> Stéfano
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