On 6 February 2018 at 23:09, <pe...@chubb.wattle.id.au> wrote:

> >>>>> "peter" == peter  <pe...@chubb.wattle.id.au> writes:
> >> I would like to change the trill speed in the midi output. I tried
> >> to change the "#(define..." like in the following code but without
> >> success.  Any suggestion?
> peter> When I was writing the trill code, lily tended to crash when
> peter> trying to compress music so that the trill took the same length
> peter> as the original note. I worked around it by fixing a trill's
> peter> note length as a demisemiquaver in the current tempo.
> Sorry, forgot the scaling to current tempo.
> #(define (ac:twiddletime music)
>   (let* ((tr (filter (lambda (x)
>                      (and (eq? 'ArticulationEvent (ly:music-property x
> 'name))
>                       (string= "trill" (ly:music-property x
> 'articulation-type))))
>               (ly:music-property music 'elements)))
>          (ac:targetTwiddleTime (ac:abs->mom ac:maxTwiddleTime))
>          (pre-t (if (pair? tr) (ly:music-property (car tr) 'twiddle)
>                  '()))
>          (hemisemimom ac:targetTwiddleTime))
>    (if (ly:moment? pre-t)
>     pre-t
>     hemisemimom)))

 Peter, how should I use your code? How can I change the number of
alternations between notes trill?

Thank you, Gianmaria
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