Dear Lilypond users,

I am trying to position graphic markup within the staff.

The example attached shows a simple graphic used extensively by Kurtag to 
indicate a long pause. It is straight-forward to draw the marking as a graphic 
in markup with a path. <X-offset> will move the graphic as expected, but 
adjusting the <Y-offset>  will not position the markup on the staff.

There is a discussion of a similar issue at but the 
code is for v2.12 and no longer works (I am using 2.19.80).

Any help or direction to relevant documentation will be greatly appreciated.



\version "2.19.80"

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% snippet
  s4 _\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \bar ".."
  s4 _\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \once\override TextScript.X-offset = -1
  s4 _\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \once\override TextScript.X-offset = 1
  s4 _\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \bar ".."
  s4 _\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \once\override TextScript.Y-offset = -4
  s4 _\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \bar ".."
  s4 _\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \once\override TextScript.Y-offset = -6
  s4 _\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \bar ".."
  s4 ^\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \once\override TextScript.Y-offset = -4
  s4 ^\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \bar ".."
  s4 ^\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \once\override TextScript.Y-offset = -6
  s4 ^\markup { \path #0.25  #'((moveto 0 0)  (curveto 0 3 4 3 4 0) ) } s4 s4 s4
  \bar ".."
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