Thanks Simon, that's a great tool.

I changed the function just a bit so that the stems of the eighth notes in
the lower voices aren't so long:

dummy =
#(define-music-function (mus) (ly:music?)
     \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t
     \once \omit Stem
     \once \omit Flag
     \revert NoteColumn.ignore-collision

Knute Snortum
(via Gmail)

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 9:35 AM, Simon Albrecht <>

> Hi Knute,
> how about this?
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.80"
> \language "english"
> dummy =
> #(define-music-function (mus) (ly:music?)
>    #{
>      \hideNotes
>      \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t
>      \voiceTwo
>      $mus
>      \unHideNotes
>      \revert NoteColumn.ignore-collision
>      \voiceOne
>    #})
> \relative {
>   \time 6/8
>   \key g \minor
>   r8 << { <df'' f>4*1/2( \dummy f,8) } \\ { af8 f } >>
>   r8 << { <ef' g>4*1/2( \dummy g,8) } \\ { bf8 g } >> |
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> I think, the slur shapes Lily chooses there are quite neat.
> Best, Simon
> On 15.02.2018 18:02, Knute Snortum wrote:
>> I am hoping to get some feedback from the power LilyPond users on this
>> list.
>> I have a slurring problem that's not terribly difficult to solve, but I'm
>> wondering if there's a better way to do it. Here's my example:
>> %%%
>> \version "2.19"
>> \language "english"
>> slurShapeA = \shape #'((0.75 . 2) (0.5 . 1.5) (0.33 . 1) (0.25 . 0)) \etc
>> \relative {
>>   \time 6/8
>>   \key g \minor
>>   % Could something like this work?
>>   r8 << { <df'' f>4 } \\ { af8 f } \\ { \voiceTwo \hideNotes f'8 ^( f, )
>> } >>
>>   % This works, but it's tedious and brittle
>>   r8 << { <ef' g>4 } \\ { bf8 -\slurShapeA ^( g ) } >> |
>> }
>> %%%
>> In the piece I'm engraving there are dozens of this kind of slurs.  In
>> the second half of the measure, I've used the \shape function to modify the
>> slur between the two eighth notes to look like it starts at the quarter
>> note in the other voice. I can do it this way, but it will take dozens of
>> shapes, all controlled manually.  This is a tedious and brittle solution,
>> because any change in the page layout that affects how the measures are
>> spaced may change all the slur shapes (like switching from letter size to
>> A4).
>> So I was hoping I could use some hidden notes in a third voice to make
>> the slur, but as you can see from the first half of the measure, it's not
>> going very well.  Can this or some other solution work?
>> ---
>> Knute Snortum
>> (via Gmail)
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