On 2018-02-20 5:21 PM, I asked:
> … what is the current (2.19) best practice for typesetting the Da
> Capo/‌Dal Segno/‌al Fine/‌etc. repeat marks?

I’m having some trouble extracting a readable-but-useful minimal example
from my code, but this excerpt might help the next fellow:

\include "poly-mark-engraver.ly"        % from
\tagGroup #'(midi-only score-only)

lowerVI = {
  \clef bass

  % \repeat coda 2 {
  % }                   % \repeat coda

  % \alternative {
  %   {                 % \repeat coda
  %   }
  %   {}  % }                   % \repeat coda

  % Manual repeat unfold for MIDI
  \tag #'midi-only \lowerVIabac

dynamicsVI = {
  % \repeat coda 2 {
  #(skip-of-length upperVIabac)
  % }                   % \repeat coda

  \polyMark #'DCFine \markup \italic "Fine"
  \polyMark #'Fermata \markup \fermata
  \bar "|."

  % \alternative {
  %   {                 % \repeat coda
  #(skip-of-length upperVId)
  %   }
  %   {}
  % }                   % \repeat coda

  % Manual repeat unfold for MIDI
  \tag #'midi-only #(skip-of-length upperVIabac)

  % Manual mark for \repeat coda
  \polyMark #'DCFine \markup \italic "D.C. al Fine"
  \bar "||"


scoreVI = \score {
  \keepWithTag #'score-only
    \new Staff = "upper" \upperVI
    \new Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynamicsVI
    \new Staff = "lower" \lowerVI
  \layout {
    \context { \Score
      polyMarkOptions = #`((DCFine
                             (direction        . ,DOWN)
                             (self-alignment-X . 1.0)
                             (break-visibility . ,begin-of-line-invisible))
                             (direction        . ,UP)
                             (self-alignment-X . 0.0)
                             (break-visibility . ,begin-of-line-invisible)))

midiVI = \score {
  \new PianoStaff
  \keepWithTag #'midi-only
    \new Staff = "upper" <<
      \unfoldRepeats \upperVI
    \new Staff = "lower" <<
      \unfoldRepeats \lowerVI
  \midi {}

There’s nothing here that isn’t already in
<http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=976>, and a good deal is missing
here which that snippet includes, but I think it does illustrate this
particular usage without invoking the full power of \polyMark.

––Joel C. Salomon

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