
In setting the attached music, it’s evident that the <g g'>2. chord in
bar 4 overlaps with the g8 note at the end of the bar.  And while I’m
able to achieve this

    \version "2.19.65"

    \new Staff \relative c'' {
      \time 6/8
          s8*5 g8 |
        \new Voice { \voiceTwo
          <g g,>2. |

(can’t use << {…} \\ {…} >> since I need the g8 note to be in the Voice
where the Lyrics attach to), I would very much like to be able to move
the <g g'> chord into the variable where the previous bit of music lives.

To do that, I need to convince LilyPond that what looks like “<g g'>2.”
actually behaves like “<g g'>2~q8” (or in 2.19 syntax, “<g g'>2~8”).

At a guess, the internal ac:setduration function from
should make this possible, but experimenting has not turned up a
successful invocation.

––Joel C. Salomon

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