2018-02-27 19:12 GMT+01:00 Sirius Barras <turbole...@gmail.com>:
> I would like to transpose a motif (using \modalTranspose) to a _set_ of
> different pitches. At the moment this is what I do:
> scale = {c d e f g a b}
> motif = {c' e' g' c'}
> {
>   \modalTranspose c e \scale \motif
>   \modalTranspose c g \scale \motif
>   \modalTranspose c a \scale \motif
> }
> How can I do something similar to this:
> toPitchSet = {e g a}
> scale = {c d e f g a b}
> motif = {c' e' g' c'}
> {
>   \modalTranspose c \toPitchSet \scale \motif
> }
> Many thanks, S.

How about:

\version "2.19.65"

%% Based on a function by David K
multipleModalTransposes =
#(define-music-function (parser location m scale music)
  (ly:music? ly:music? ly:music?)
  ;; If `music' is simple `SequentialMusic', we need to go for 'elements instead
  ;; of 'element. In this case we also need to "unfold" the resulting
  ;; `possible-elts' one level
  (let* ((seq-mus? (music-is-of-type? music 'sequential-music))
             (lambda (pitch)
               #{ \modalTranspose c $pitch $scale $music #}
                 (if seq-mus?
                (event-chord-pitches m))))

    (music-clone m
      (if seq-mus?
          (apply append '() possible-elts)

toPitchSet = { e g a e b }
scale = { c d e f g a b }
motif =
  %\absolute { c' e' g' c' }
  %\relative { c' e g c, }
  %\relative c' { c e g c, }
  %\fixed c' { c e g c }
  %\context Voice { c'4 e' g' c' }
  { c'4 e' g' c' }

\multipleModalTransposes \toPitchSet \scale \motif


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