On 03/13/2018 11:54 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hello all,  Has anyone tried to set up a form (e.g., Javascript) in a web page 
which, when submitted, triggers a Lilypond-on-server (LoS?) 
application/environment (e.g., lilybin.com) and returns a PDF?

I'd like to offer some music and music education documents and templates on my 
website, but (a) don’t want to show my Lilypond code, and (b) if possible, 
avoid installing and maintaining the Lilypond server installation myself.

Thanks for any hints/advice/pointers.

Hi Kieren,

I've done something in roughly the same ballpark by creating a version of LilyBin for Clairnote music notation:


Not sure if it makes sense for your use case, but check out this blog post for more details.



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