Thank you for answering Helge. I didn't know the code was necessary to solve
my issue!

Here is the excerpt :

> \version "2.19.80"
> \language "english"
> %--------Definitions and shorthands
> % switch from upper staff to lower and vice versa
> toLH = { \change Staff = "LH" \voiceOne }
> toRH = { \change Staff = "RH" \voiceTwo }
> %----- musical content
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> % right hand, voice 1
> RHone = \relative c'' {
>   \voiceOne
>   \shape #'((0 . 0.5) (2 . 1) (-2 . 1) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
>   ef4.\( |
>   g16. f32 d8\) c16.[( d32)] |
>   \shape #'((0 . -0.5) (2 . 1) (-2 . 1) (0 . 0)) PhrasingSlur
>   ef4.\( |
>   bf'16. af32 d,8\) d16.[( ef32)] |
> }
> % right hand, voice 2
> RHtwo = \relative c'' {
>   \voiceTwo
>   g16 f ef \toLH d c bf |
>   af4 \toRH af'8~ |
>   af16 g ef \toLH d c g |
>   f4 \toRH r8 |
> }
> % right hand, more voices
> RHmore = \relative c' {
>   \voiceThree
>   s8 \tuplet 3/2 { ef16 g ef \voiceFour ef'[ g, ef'] |
>                    af, c af~ } af8 s | \voiceThree
>   s8 \tuplet 3/2 { ef16 g ef \voiceFour ef'[ g, ef'] |
>                    c d af~ } af8 s |
> }
> % left hand, voice 1
> LHone = \relative c, {
>   \oneVoice \tuplet 3/2 { 
> <c c'>
> 16 ef' g } r s8. |
>   \voiceOne s16 c8 s8. |
>   \oneVoice \tuplet 3/2 { 
> &lt;
> c,, c'
> &gt;
> 16 ef' g } r s8. |
>   \voiceOne s16 c8 s8. |
> }
> % left hand, voice 2
> LHtwo = \relative c {
>   \voiceTwo
>   s8. c16\( ef g |
>   f, c'' f,\) \override Rest.staff-position = #0 r r8 | 
>   s8. c16\( ef g |
>   f, c'' f\) r r8 |
> }
> %------------ Dynamics
> % tempo, bar lines and dynamics
> dynamics = {
>   \time 3/8
>   s4 s8\< |
>   s\> s4\! |
>   s4 s8\< |
>   s\> s4\! |
> }
> %-------Typeset music
> \score {
>   \new PianoStaff \with {
>     instrumentName = ""
>     \accidentalStyle Score.piano
>   } <<
>     \new Staff = "RH" \with {
>       midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
>     } <<
>       \clef treble
>       \key c \minor
>       \new Voice \RHone
>       \new Voice \RHtwo
>       \new Voice \RHmore
>     >>
>     \new Dynamics <<
>       \dynamics
>     >>
>     \new Staff = "LH" \with {
>       midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
>     } <<
>       \clef bass
>       \key c \minor
>       \new Voice \LHone
>       \new Voice \LHtwo
>     >>
>   >>
>   \layout {
>     \accidentalStyle piano
>     \context {
>       \Score
>       \omit TupletNumber
>       \omit TupletBracket
>       \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn
>       \override Beam.damping = #2.5
>     }
>   }
> }

Thanks for you help.

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