Mats Bengtsson writes:
 > >                                                             Do you
 > > know a way to put alternative lyrics into the same context, so that in
 > > the example both `shall' and `shall not' are aligned with the second
 > > note?
 > That's trivial. If you give a name to a context, it is uniquely
 > identified by its name, so you can do
 >   \context Lyrics = mainlyrics \lyricsto "melody" { we o- ver- come }
 >   \context Lyrics =mainlyrics \lyricsto "1" { shall not }
 >   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "2" { shall }
 > However, a simpler solution is to avoid to keep the original
 > Voice context for the upper music line when the music splits
 > into two voices. This is easiest done by not using the
 > <<{...} \\ {...}>> feature (untested):
 > \score{
 > <<
 > \context Voice = "melody" {
 >       \relative c' { c
 >         << {\voiceOne c8 e} \context Voice = splitpart {\voiceTwo c4} >>
 >        \oneVoice c4 c | c
 >        }
 >     }
 > \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { we shall not o- ver- come }
 > \new Lyrics \lyricsto "splitpart" { shall }
 >  >>
 > }

Oh I *see*! I wasn't aware that you can simply switch contexts while
remaining on the current staff. Thank you very much, that was exactly
what I needed.

Kilian Foth                                    Phone +49 40 42883-2518
AB NATS, FB Informatik                         Fax   +49 40 42883-2515
Universität Hamburg
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
22527 Hamburg

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