Dear Thomas,

Thank you a lot. It is exactly what i was looking for and apparently no need 
for adjustment in your example. All fits well.
However will try to learn how to fix the notehead position in the case i will 
use other glyphs.

Thank you a lot


On Wed, Apr 04, 2018 at 02:39:58AM +0200, Thomas Morley wrote:
> 2018-04-03 18:25 GMT+02:00 Karim Haddad <>:
> > And thanx also for your snippet. I have already tried it and works 
> > marvelously.
> > But concerning customizing new note heads i think checking the code itself 
> > seems necessary.
> > Do you know if define-grobs.scm is a good place to start with ?
> Well, some scheme-knowledge is needed.
> There is a scheme-tutorial in the docs. Several guile tutorials out
> there, as well as the guile manual.
> Best general training is reading this list, though, trying to
> understand the requests and trying to solve them.
> If you read someones code, try to understand what happens and why, can
> it be improved and ...
> The Extending Manual is not bad as well.
> I remember as a starter I did several exercises, defining several
> custom-markup-command, markup-list-commands, substitution functions
> etc etc
> Homework, like a decade ago, but I'm still learning ;)
> If you try to solve an own problem searching the archives is always a
> good starting point.
> On topic.
> There's something annoying happening while using custom-styles. I just
> wrote a bug-report about it:
> So with the workaround, in the bug-report as well you could do:
> \version "2.19.81"
> #(define mydrums '(
>          (bassdrum        myStyle   #f           -1)
>          (snare           myStyleII   #f           0)
>          (hihat           cross     #f           1)
>          (halfopenhihat   cross     "halfopen"   1)
>          (pedalhihat      xcircle   "stopped"    2)
>          (lowtom          diamond   #f           3)))
> #(define stencil-for-my-style
>   (lambda (grob)
>     (cond
>       ((eq? 'myStyle (ly:grob-property grob 'style))
>         (begin
>           (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'style '())
>           (grob-interpret-markup grob
>             #{
>               \markup \vcenter \musicglyph #"pedal.*"
>             #})))
>       ((eq? 'myStyleII (ly:grob-property grob 'style))
>         (begin
>           (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'style '())
>           (grob-interpret-markup grob
>             #{
> %% from
> %% slightly changed
>                \markup \vcenter \scale #'(0.4 . 0.4) {
>                    \combine
>                      \translate #(cons -1.25 0) \combine
>                        \draw-circle #0.65 #0 ##t
>                        \override #'(thickness . 2.5) \draw-line #'(3 . -3)
>                      \translate #(cons 1.25 0) \combine
>                        \draw-circle #0.65 #0 ##t
>                        \override #'(thickness . 2.5) \draw-line #'(-3 . -3)
>                  }
>             #})))
>       (else (ly:note-head::print grob)))))
> \new DrumStaff
>   \with {
>     drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)
>     \override NoteHead.stencil = #stencil-for-my-style
>   }
>   \drummode {
>         bd8
>         sn
>         hh
>         hhho
>         hhp
>         toml
>   }
> You may want to adjust stem-attachment.
> I leave it as an exercise ;)
> HTH,
>   Harm

Karim Haddad

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