On 4/4/2018 7:44 PM, Emilio Millan wrote:
Hi again all. I've got another question.

The LilyPond code below produces the music in the attached image file.

The first three measures are, I think, correct behavior and the fourth
is not. (Pretty obscure, I'd admit.)

Can anyone think of a workaround to use rounded-boxes as in the fourth
measure but without the stair-stepping?


\version "2.19.81"

   \time 2/4

   c8^\markup{\dir-column {+1 +2 +3}}
   d8^\markup{\dir-column {+1 +2 +3}}
   e8^\markup{\dir-column {+1 +2 +3}}
   f8^\markup{\dir-column {+1 +2 +3}}

   c8^\markup{\dir-column \box {+1 +2 +3}}
   d8^\markup{\dir-column \box {+1 +2 +3}}
   e8^\markup{\dir-column \box {+1 +2 +3}}
   f8^\markup{\dir-column \box {+1 +2 +3}}

   c8^\markup{\dir-column \circle {+1 +2 +3}}
   d8^\markup{\dir-column \circle {+1 +2 +3}}
   e8^\markup{\dir-column \circle {+1 +2 +3}}
   f8^\markup{\dir-column \circle {+1 +2 +3}}

   c8^\markup{\dir-column \rounded-box {+1 +2 +3}}
   d8^\markup{\dir-column \rounded-box {+1 +2 +3}}
   e8^\markup{\dir-column \rounded-box {+1 +2 +3}}
   f8^\markup{\dir-column \rounded-box {+1 +2 +3}}


You could tweak something like this in a layout block maybe?

\layout {
    \context {
      proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/20)

(see attached)

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