2018-04-04 23:56 GMT+02:00 Filip May'r <sapphire23...@outlook.com>:
> Hello all,
> I am a new user of LilyPond and so far have found it to be a great tool. It 
> is relatively easy to learn (at least the basics), free and extensive.
> May I suggest an added feature: An option to stack additional note beams for 
> shorter note values on the opposite side of the first beam, that is, stacking 
> up (or down) away from, instead of toward, the note head.
> I ran into this problem when transcribing Bach's double violin concerto using 
> LilyPond.
> This is the bar (31) in the manuscript:
> Specifically the issue is with the 2nd and 3rd (c & d) notes into the bar:
> Attempting the usual stem direction changes and manual beaming results in 
> this:
> The 16th note beam collides with the c and d note heads!
> I have not found how to correct this. However, a feature that would simply 
> allow that the diminutive note value beams stack down away from the note head 
> would fix this very neatly. To further demonstrate: I will change the 16th 
> notes in the bar to 32nd notes:
> For every halving of the note value an additional beam is stacked up going up 
> toward the note head. In such circumstance as the above examples demonstrate 
> it would be ideal that those beams would stack going down away from the note 
> head, toward the bottom of the staff, exactly what is done in the handwritten 
> copy.
> If anyone knows or finds a work-around to this, please share.
> Regards
> - F.M.

You could do:

  \once \override Stem.beaming = #'((0) . (-1 0))
  \once \override Stem.beaming = #'((-1 0) . (0))

Though, lily warns (with or without the overrides):
warning: no viable initial configuration found: may not find good beam slope

And is absolutely correct, the output _is_ ugly.
So I agree with Andrew.


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