This issue seems to be Firefox specific. Other SVG examples, such as those
on w3schools, do not exhibit this issue in firefox.

On 16 April 2018 at 16:58, Robert Hickman <> wrote:

> Fonts in SVG do not seem to respect font sizes, see attached SVG, for me
> this displays with enormous fonts that go off the top of the page. It works
> as intended in the PDF back end.
> \version "2.18.2"
> \include "larsen-symbols.ily"
> \header {
>   tagline = ""  % removed
> }
> \header {tagline = ""}
> {
>     \numericTimeSignature
>     \time 3/8
>     g'4.\cut^\markup {\tiny Cut } | g'4.\strike^\markup {\tiny Strike } |
> }
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