Robert Hickman <> writes:

> You are largely missing the point I was trying to make, however I have
> a lot of work to do and cannot be bothered to argue.

Good start.

> On 18 April 2018 at 13:24, David Kastrup <> wrote:


>> So?  What are you hoping to gain by lecturing everyone how bad LilyPond
>> must have been designed according to your experience with and/or without
>> it?
>> I mean, I am the last one to let a good opportunity for pontificating go
>> to waste, but so far I fail to see that you have availed yourself of
>> such an opportunity.  Perhaps try to figure out what you actually want
>> to get achieved and then think of plans, technical and/or social, to
>> actually get them done.
>> There is no point playing to your strengths without applying them in a
>> useful manner to problems you want to see solved.

David Kastrup

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