For my case, I delete that line because it points to the dtd to a wrong path, 
causing xslt processor (xalan) to give an error message and terminate.

>From ,

        \quote {
Here is an example of what I do with xsltproc:

xsltproc --novalid xml2ly.xsl schubert.xml >

[in this situation schubert.xml is in the directory where xml2ly.xsl is and the 
output is redirected to, lying in the same place: but you can 
specify the paths you need!!]

I suggest that you not let your processor validate the MusicXML file [above, by 
the --novalid option], otherwise it will take even more time to do the 


======= At 2005-01-13, 18:18:20 you wrote: =======

>Just for the record, why do you prevent your xml file from being 
>validated against the DTD ?
>Joshua Koo wrote:
>>I still can access the server. Also after i installed the musicXml for finale 
>>plugin, a directory C:\MusicXML is created with lots of dtd and xsl.
>>However, when I'm running xml2ly, i usually remove the doctype line eg. 
>>      <!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 0.6a 
>> Partwise//EN" "//D:/Program Files/MusicXML/partwise.dtd">
>>to prevent the xsl parser from validating the xml file.
>>>Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 13:37:41 +0100
>>>Subject: Music XML DTD or Schema
>>>Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
>>>I decided I'd have a look at an improved MusicXML -> Lilypond converter,
>>>but recordare's site seems to be down, no way for me to get the DTD
>>>or even better an XML Schema for MusicXML... 
>>>Can anyone help ?

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