I only got this to work without the polyphony.

This works, but there is a bit of a gap (which is fine for what I'm doing)

       \time 4/4
       \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'()
       \clef bass
      b1:32~b4^"L.V." r4 r2 b1:32~b4~ \hideNotes b4 \unHideNotes r4 r2 \bar 

Thanks all,


On Monday 15 Nov 2004 15:30, Erik Sandberg wrote:
> On Friday 12 November 2004 22.33, Tim Sawyer wrote:
> > Thanks all, but I can't get it to work.
> >
> > I'm doing
> >
> > \begin[20pt]{lilypond}
> >   \score
> >   {
> >     \notes
> >     {
> >       \time 4/4
> >       \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'()
> >       \clef bass
> >       \stemUp
> >      b1:32~b4^"L.V." r4 r2 b1:32~b4~<< \hideNotes b4 \unHideNotes r4 >>
> > r2 \bar "|."
> >     }
> >   }
> > \end{lilypond}
> >
> > which is exactly what I want, except that the note between \hideNotes and
> > \unHideNotes is not hidden!  I'm using 2.0.3 is that feature not
> > available in my version?
> Just a note: Roland's version works fine, however the \\ is not necessary.
> What I forgot was this:
> b1:32~b4~<< \hideNotes b4 \unHideNotes r4 >>
> should have been
> b1:32~b4~<< {\hideNotes b4 \unHideNotes } r4 >>
> Without the {}, \hideNotes is in some sense done _in parallel_ with the b4,
> not before, resulting in no notes being affected. It works OK when done
> that way (though the same warning occurs).
> BTW, you may also want to use b4\rest instead of r4.
> Erik

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