On Tue 01 May 2018 at 10:45:08 (-0400), Freeman Gilmore wrote:
> I have windows 10
> Reference;
> *Learning Manual v2.18.2   HTML*
>    1.4.2 Clickable examples
> Would some one please explain how to do this in detail?
> I hace tried open, save, and open in the download file.
> I have seen it flash open than close after it completed printing.
> And depending on how I open it, I get all the formatting details.

For the clickable examples to work, you don't just need the base file
(like learning-big-page.html) but much of the tree in which the base
file resides. This will include the 256 directories called 00 … ff
in which the clickable targets reside.

When you hover the mouse over a figure, eg Learning, §2.1.1 Bar lines,
you'll see the link target in the browser's status line, thus:
where file:///home/david/lilypond-docs/2.19.81/ is where I put the
files on my computer; it'll be a different location on yours.

The documentation tree should include:

00/ … ff/ (clickable examples)

changes/ contributor/ css/ essay/ extending/ included/ internals/
learning/ lilypond/ logo/ ly-examples/ misc/ music-glossary/
notation/ pictures/ snippets/ topdocs/ usage/ web/ (non-big html pages)

contributor-big-page.html contributor.pdf
essay-big-page.html essay.pdf
extending-big-page.html extending.pdf
internals-big-page.html internals.pdf
learning-big-page.html learning.pdf
music-glossary-big-page.html music-glossary.pdf
notation-big-page.html notation.pdf
snippets-big-page.html snippets.pdf
usage-big-page.html usage.pdf
web-big-page.html web.pdf

My own preference is to start at learning-big-page.html in preference
to learning/index.html as you can scroll the former as well as using
the sidebar for navigation.


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