On Tuesday 18 January 2005 04:54 am, Alexandre Beneteau wrote:
> Hello,
> Pedro Kroeger has build and maintained 2.2 and 2.4 branch for Debian
> unstable... add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list :
> # lilypond
> deb http://www.pedrokroeger.net/lilypond/ ./
> deb-src http://www.pedrokroeger.net/lilypond/ ./
> Branch 2.4 (actually lily 2.4.2) is named lilypond-snapshot, that way,
> you can install both 2.2 branch (called lilypond) and 2.4.2 on you
> debian box...

Right now lilypond-book-snapshot is broken.  If you want to do lilypond-book 
documents, you can use 2.2.6 until 2.4 is repackaged. daveA

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daveA         David Raleigh Arnold          dra..at..openguitar.com

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