tisimst wrote
> Glad to hear you got something working! Congrats! There are a lot of
> nuances you should be aware of. It's not as cut-and-dry as it appears, but
> getting something working at all is half the battle.
> I'm curious to know how you used TTX to accomplish the task. I can see how
> I would do it, but anyway, I'd be interested to hear yours.
> Best,
> Abraham

Hi Abraham,

Actually, unlike what I thought first, it is only a "semi" victory!... 

First, the problem occured when I exported a new otf font with fontforge.
Even with 8 differents fonts with the right size name, LilyPond cannot use
them as it is missing the SNFT table...

So I tried with TTX, to convert one of your font in XML, and I just
copy-paste the missing table to my new exported font. But this seems to work
smoothly only for little changes in the glyphs.

I then realized that if you change their size, LilyPond doesn't see it and
the result is in certain case "ugly". Look:


I also noticed that the LILC / LILF and LILY table were different in each
font... So I guess they are linked to the glyphs inside and I think I'd need
to generate them again for the new font, but I can't find how!

If you can help me a little here, that would be much appreciated! And btw,
your work on the different available fonts is really awesome. I'm trying to
make some little modifications but realize it is way harder than what I did
with my old Sibelius fonts!


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